

I never really thought myself to be the creative type. Back in college, I imagined myself to be in the world of finance because I felt that I didn’t have the creativity required for marketing. Fast forward into the future, I am now juggling all sorts of creative ventures– a personal blog aptly entitled “alexis feels creative”, a designing sideline for a start-up events company, a corporate job in marketing, and now a webspace dedicated to calligraphy.

Roughly a year ago, I discovered the art of calligraphy in my quest to find a new hobby. And since then, I haven’t stopped drawing letters, experimenting with different styles, and playing with color.

My purpose, by God’s grace, is to use this site to share thoughts in a beautiful way. I want to share my love for calligraphy and create daily opportunities to develop myself. I am a believer of Jesus Christ and will take inspiration from the bible. The bible contains the most beautiful words, created by Him who is the author of beauty. Maybe one day, I will have written enough verses to recreate it. Feel free to grab the photos to aide in spreading His word! (It wouldn’t hurt to draw them back to the website too, if anyone asks. Hee!) I would also love to write for people and design for beauty’s sake. And every now and then, I will refer to my day-to-day adventures, make shout-outs to some friends, and call attention to the strangest things. Don’t mind me.

I’m off to make a cyber-mark.

tgbtg (To God be the glory)

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Ink Scribbler

www.InkScribbler.com is a Manila-based calligraphy and design website by Alexis Ventura. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Most of the content I post here are mine and are original works. :) Please do not steal, it is bad. You may use the images from the blog, just make sure to credit and link people back! Thank you! :)

  Creative Commons License Arts & Craft - Top Blogs Philippines

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