Category Archives: Projects

  1. Let Me Scribble For You


    March 4, 2013 by alexiscventura

    Ink Scribbler was created to share thoughts in a beautiful way. I knew that defining a space for my calligraphy will require me to write almost every night and clock in my 10,000 hours. And if God permits, my long-term plan is to write and design for people.

    It came earlier that I thought.

    I am so grateful that this talent provides for me, that I have ever-supportive officemates and friends, that I have a family that encourages me to wear scarves so I can embody this side-career. Plus, now I have an excuse for my artistic temper. HAHAHA! :)

    Let me scribble for you. :) Here is the pricing as of March 2013. InkScribbler Rates_03.13


  2. All You Need is One

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    February 20, 2013 by alexiscventura


    People easily fall into the number trap — age, fame, money, likes, followers, friends, etc (insert other quantifiable social status indicators here). Sometimes we forget that…

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  3. A 1995 Hit


    February 18, 2013 by alexiscventura

    Side A is a pretty famous Filipino band that churned out very beautiful songs back in 90’s and early 2000’s. They are most famous for their song…{view full post}


  4. Come with me, where dreams are born

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    February 16, 2013 by alexiscventura

    Luce Stellar Invitation 2

    Here’s a design I made for a Neverland-themed ICA Prom, entitled Luce Stellar. We’re blowing up some of the elements used here for the actual set-up. {view full post}

  5. February cheesiness continues

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    February 12, 2013 by alexiscventura


    Stream Engine Studios and Ink Scribbler are cooking something up for Valentine’s day. :) I cannot wait!

    Photo filtered via Instagram. :)

  6. Ink Scribbler Projects

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    February 11, 2013 by alexiscventura


    YES. This ink scribbler accepts projects! For weddings, I do calligraphy for invitations, signagegift tagsplace cards and so on… {view full post}

  7. All you need is faith, trust and pixie dust


    February 9, 2013 by alexiscventura


    We are currently ironing out the details for a Neverland-themed prom, and I was assigned to make rustic signage for the different areas of the ballroom. I had a lot of fun researching famous Peter Pan quotes…{view full post}

  8. Oh, Babies again! :)


    January 31, 2013 by alexiscventura

    A week ago, I released some designs for Baby Birth Statistics Posters for my new-mom friends. And as promised, I …
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  9. I love you like a love song


    January 29, 2013 by alexiscventura

    IMG_9244 copy 

    Write a card for your loved one! I’m giving these away. :) Continue Reading»

  10. Oh, Babies!


    January 24, 2013 by alexiscventura

    Recently, there has been a baby boom in our office. Starting from the cutest Caleb to the most recent Lance, all …
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Ink Scribbler for Shu Uemura
Let Me Scribble For You

Ink Scribbler is a Manila-based calligraphy and design website by Alexis Ventura. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Most of the content I post here are mine and are original works. :) Please do not steal, it is bad. You may use the images from the blog, just make sure to credit and link people back! Thank you! :)

  Creative Commons License Arts & Craft - Top Blogs Philippines

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